eResearch@Ozyegin runs on Dspace, open source software originally developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technolog) in the USA. It is compatible with OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting). All items deposited in eResearch@Ozyegin is indexed by Google Scholar, OpenDOAR and ROAR, harvested by OpenAIRE. It uses Dublin Core as metadata elements and the metadata is OpenAIRE and DRIVER compatible.
eResearch@Ozyegin covers articles, proceedings, conference papers, books, book chapters, theses, working papers, lecture notes and any other scholarly work of affiliated authors (faculty, staff, students or groups).
It also offers a useful platform to store objects of conference and seminars organized by the Ozyegin University members. It allows users to read, download, save, copy, print, reuse and link to the full text of its content. Whenever possible, the outputs available from eResearch@Ozyegin can be downloaded or viewed online and open access.
There are two kinds of publication submission to eResearch@Ozyegin:
1. Publications indexed where in Wos, Scopus and TR Index
2. Publications submitted in the institutional repository by the owner of the publication. You can view these databases from the box below easily.
As Özyeğin University Library, we care about the support of the owner of the publication for the correct publication entry to the institutional repository. Ozu members can add publications that are or are not included in this index to the institutional repository.
Institutional repository manager deposit the publications indexed in the database (Wos/Scopus/TR Index) to the institutional repository periodically.
Institutional repository manager checks whether the publication has been submitted before, it does not create a duplicate record.
The Ozu Library will work with Ozu faculty, researchers to aid in adding their work to eResearch@Ozyegin. Our staff can provide assistance with collection setup, content description, digitization services, and upload.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including over 20,870 journals as well as 30,000 books and 5.5 million conference papers in scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and art and humanities.