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Ozyegin University Institutional Repository: Depositing into eResearch@Ozyegin

Submission Instruction

  • Ozyegin University members can submit their scholarly content and other publication in eResearch@Ozyegin.
  • Researchers may only submit their work (including co-authored work) for archiving.
  • The institutional manager is responsible for the validity and authenticity of the content which is submitted for archiving. The copyright violation of contents are entirely responsible for the author/institutional repository manager.
  • If any copyright violation found against any content, the same item should be removed from the repository.
  • The institutional manager will ensure to add any acknowledgment to work specified by publisher policies.

Prepare your submission

The work was created while I was an employee or student of Ozu.

  • I hold the copyright to the work, and/or I have permission from any other copyright holders to submit this version of the work to the repository.
  • If you have transferred your copyright to a publisher, you are likely still able to deposit a version of your article or book chapter into eResearch@Ozyegin. To determine your journal or publisher's policy towards submitting to an institutional repository, we recommend consulting SHERPA/RoMEO, a public database of publisher copyright policies. Bear in mind that, while SHERPA/RoMEO is a reliable resource, it does not cover all journals or publishers, and should not be relied upon as legal counsel.
  • We recommend submitting a widely supported file format, such as PDF for text-based works. However, many file formats are supported by the eResearch@Ozyegin, including audio, video, and Microsoft Office file formats.


  • When adding a work to eResearch@Ozyegin, the institutional manager must supply basic descriptive information, or metadata, about the work.
  • Required metadata includes, but is not limited to: title of the work, creator name, date of completion or publication, department or other academic affiliation, abstract or summary, and subject headings or keywords.
  • This information will be made publicly available in eResearch@Ozyegin will be indexed and retrieved by external search engines such as Google, etc.

Access and Reuse

  • The majority of items in the repository may be accessed by anyone, free of charge.
  • Some content may have limited access due to an embargo period, copyright or licensing, or other issues. 
  • After the embargo period, the content will be openly accessible.


Ozyegin University Library is committed to providing preservation of repository content. In order to better preserve this content:

  • assign a persistent identifier that will always point to the object and its metadata
  • provide secure storage and backup
  • create provenance records to support accessibility and management over time

eResearch@Ozyegin ensures long-term storage, preservation, and retrieval of your scholarly work and regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.


eResearch@Ozyegin is intended to provide persistent access to deposited material.

Once an item is deposited, it will always remain. Under certain circumstances, however, it may be necessary to remove material from eResearch@Ozyegin.

       Items may be deaccessioned from the repository for the following reasons:

  • copyright violation
  • legal requirements 
  • falsified research
  • confidentiality concerns

A request for removal should be directed to the Ozu Institutional Manager and include the reasons for withdrawal.

Who Can Access eResearch@Ozyegin?

Any users (e.g. researchers, educators, librarians, organisations, individuals, Government officials and staff, students, literacy trainers, etc.) who search eResearch@Ozyegin from the Ozyegin University Library Website (via Google or any other search engine) will be able to access and use the material on eResearch@Ozyegin at no cost.  Due acknowledgement of the source is required for all material used from eResearch@Ozyegin.

Who can deposit in eResearch@Ozyegin and how to do this?

All OzU researchers, academics, postgraduate students, library staff and other authors at OzU are encouraged to deposit research material and work related intellectual outputs in eResearch@Ozyegin.