We have selected the most relevant databases in your subject area International Relations. Check Databases A-Z list for further databases.
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Academic Search Ultimate is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 13,000 full-text periodicals. It offers indexing and abstracts for more than 19,000 journals and more than 17,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Cambridge Journal Online is a multidisciplinary database including science, engineering, social science and more. This database contains more than 1.000.000 full-text articles from 413 peer-reviewed journals.
This multidisciplinary database includes full texts of academic journals published in Central and Eastern European countries. It provides more than 2,650 full-text journals from more than 30 countries.
Credo Reference is an academic database including encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, bilingual dictionaries in 627 reference sources to more than three million text.
e-Book Super Collection covers more than 599,000 e-books in the areas of art, business, economics, education, language arts, literary critics, performing arts, philosophy, political science, and religion.
Education Index Retrospective indexes more than 800 periodicals, many of them peer-reviewed, and offers more than 850,000 records in the areas of multicultural/ethnic education, language arts, religious education, computers in education, science & mathematics, government funding, library science, literacy standards, preschool education, school administration, elementary education, arts, social studies, continuing Education, Distance Education, Adult Education, Higher Education etc. Updated subject headings make finding information easy, using contemporary terms. Original subject headings are also retained in order to provide insight into the way that past issues were framed.
This database is essential to any researcher interested in social sciences, humanities, ethics, eugenics and related topics. 1907-1984 includes a wide range of peer-reviewed content such as comprehensive indexing for nearly 1.200 periodicals, more than 1.300.000 citations and over 240.000 book reviews.
You can access academic and popular journals from the database. It includes more than 1,000 journals such as Varlik, Popular Science, Notos, Yargi Dunyasi, Akademik Bakis and more than 150,000 full-text articles.
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary database which includes articles and reports. It provides access to academic journals, including economics, history, political science, sociology, mathematics, statistic and many other social sciences and science.
Sage Journals includes 970 journals in the areas of health, biomedical, engineering as well as humanities and social sciences.
National Citation Index covering the subjects of Social Sciences, Science, and Health Sciences with more than 1,000 journals now available.
Social Sciences and Humanities database provides full text access to more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
SpringerLink offers nearly 2,900 peer-reviewed journals in the areas of literature, social sciences, technology, law, mathematics and medicine.
Taylor & Francis (Informaworld) is a database of more than 2,900 peer-reviewed journals in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences and Technology, as well as 42 references.
Wiley Online Library is a comprehensive database from 1997 to present with 1,600 full text journals including 52 open Access journals covering Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Chemistry, Medicine, Mathematics, Business, Economics, Finance and History.
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