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A-Z Databases

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
This collection of 2,300 formerly classified US government documents (most of them classified as Top Secret or higher) covers the period from the end of World War II in 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. It also includes many historical reports and articles written by U.S. intelligence historians since the end of the Cold War.
De Jure is a Law search engine with artificial intelligence technology that consists of case law and literature. It includes judgments of the Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, Council of State, Regional Court of Justice, Competition Board judgments, and more. With the semantic search facility offered by the database, precedents can be accessed by searching articles, petitions, sentences, and paragraphs. You can start accessing De Jure by registering with your Ozyegin e-mail address.
Gale Research Complete includes articles, e-books, and news on medicine, engineering, history, policy, sociology, philosophy, economy, religion, etc. It includes Academic OneFile + General OneFile + InfoTrac Newsstand, Gale Business: Insights, Gale e-books, Gale Literary Sources, Gale Primary Sources, and Archives Unbound collections. You can access archives from The Times, Economist, The Telegraph, Financial Times, National Geographic, and many other archive collections through Primary Sources.
Jus Mundi Academic Research is an artificial intelligence-supported database containing more than 35,000 judgments and more than 15,000 cases from arbitration institutions and national and international courts. You can also access the ICC Dispute Resolution Library, which provides access to more than 7,500 documents and the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, ICC arbitral awards, ICC Institute Dossiers, ICC Commission Reports, etc.
Military Big Data provides various information about land, sea, and air platforms, along with country profiles, and it contains detailed information about the defense industry. After clicking 'Log in' at the top right of the screen, you can accept the privacy agreement and log in by clicking 'IP Login.'
Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) is a resource that contains fully translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws.
This e-book collection contains over 50 titles covering a range of disciplines that encompass international financial practice, including banking, bank resolution, risk and capital adequacy, capital markets, financial regulation, financial disputes, funds, Islamic finance, and project finance.
This e-book collection includes leading practitioner works by specialists and experts in arbitration, including Redfern & Hunter and the Caron & Caplan Commentary.
This e-book collection contains a wide range of works on international Commercial law, including Schlechtriem and Schwenzer: Commentary on the UN Convention on International Sale of Goods and Bridge's The Sale of Goods.
This e-book collection brings together key reference works in private international law.
Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) provides an all-encompassing and integrated gateway to Oxford’s international law services. Through OPIL, you can easily access the following authoritative international law databases: Oxford Reports on International Law, the Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, and Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law.
Project MUSE includes full-text articles from more than 300 journals in the field of humanities and social sciences.
SPIE Digital Library provides over 300.000 full-text articles on nanotechnology, astronomy, optics, communications, and information technologies.

Swisslex is a database containing 570,000+ full-text documents on Swiss law. It includes many essential documents such as the full text of all Swiss laws in a systematic index, Federal and Cantonal court decisions, 40 law journals, 300+ books, 200+ law theses, and the official newspaper in English and German.

You can access the content of the Economist magazine published between 1843-2020.
You can access the content of the Times magazine published between 1785-2019.

Wikilala provides e-newspapers, e-journals, and e-books on Ottoman and Early Republican period (1729-1950) in almost all categories, especially in Social sciences.


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