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Humanities & Social Sciences: Useful Websites
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Performance Evaluation
Organizations and Associations
American Philosophical Association
American Philosophical Society
American Sociological Association
Asia-Pacific Sociological Association
Association for Humanist Sociology
Association of Black Sociologists
Association of Social Anthropologists
British Philosophical Association
British Society for Ethical Theory
Cambridge Philosophical Society
Eastern Sociological Society
European Sociological Association
Federation of Philosophical Societies, FISP
The Global Fund for Women
The Historical Association
International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, HOPOS
International Sociological Association
Philosophy of Science Association
Pragmatism Cybrary
Refugees International | Women and Girls
Royal Historical Society
The Royal Institute of Philosophy
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophers
Sociologists Without Borders
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) | Gender and Disarmament
Aktiffelsefe Kültür Derneği
Antropoloji Derneği
ATAMER Anadolu Tarih Araştırmalari Merkezi Derneği
Din Felsefesi Derneği
Felsefeciler Derneği
Felsefe Kültür Sanat Derneği
Felsefe Sanat Bilim Derneği
Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı
Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği, KADEM
Kadın Örgütleri
Sosyologlar Derneği
Sosyoloji Derneği
Tarih Vakfı
Toplum ve Siyaset Felsefesi Derneği
Türkiye Dil ve Edebiyat Derneği
Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu
Türkiye Kadın Dernekleri Federasyonu
Türkiye LGBTİ Birliği
Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği
Uluslararası Kültür Dil ve Edebiyat Derneği, UKDE
İstanbul Edebiyat Derneği
İstanbul Tarih ve Kültür Derneği
Web Resources
Digital Transgender Archive
Gender Equality Data and Statistics (World Bank)
H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
Human Rights Library
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfı
Kant on the Web
The Karl Popper Web
Mark Twain Project
The Men's Bibliography
Modern American Poetry
NATO Libguides: Women, Peace, and Security
OzU Kadın Çalışmaları - Official Instagram Account
Philosophy Pages
Social Science Space
Türk Edebiyatında Tefrika Roman Tarihi/ eResearch@ozyegin
UK National Archives research guide: Sexuality and gender identity history
Virtual Religion Index
Voice of the Shuttle: Gender and Sexuality Studies
Voice of the shuttle: History
Women in National Parliaments
Women’s Early Modern Letters Online [WEMLO]: Networks and resources
WWW Virtual Library - History
WWW Virtual Library - Women's History
Open Access
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