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Finance & Economics: Finding Journals

                                                              Library Catalog (books, e-books, print journals etc.)


Selected Magazines

What is a Journal?

Journal is the most commonly used word used for a periodical, a magazine, a newspaper, or an annual report - in fact any publication which appears on a regular basis. Journals provide more up-to-date information than a book and describe the latest research. The Library has subscriptions to over 151,000 journals.

Finding Journal

  1. Start your searching via Journal Portal. Journal Portal is a search tool designed for OZU users, easy way to access print and e-journals.
  2. Click to “Full Text Access” to view subscription details.
  3. Please note that Ozu Library may has been subscribed to a journal over more than one database.

Borrowing Journals

  • Print Journals can be borrowed for 3 days. 
  • You can borrow 3 bound volumes or issues at once.
  • The last issues of the journal cannot be borrowed. Read within the Library only.

Top 10 Journal In the Field of Finance & Economics

Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) offers the opportunity to evaluate journals, with quantifiable and statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles' cited references, JCR helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.

The list ranked by Journal Impact Factor 2022 from JCR

  1. Quarterly Journal of Economics
  2. Review of Asset Pricing Studies
  3. Energy Economics
  4. Journal of Economic Literature
  5. Review of Corporate Finance Studies
  6. American Economic Review
  7. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review
  8. Finance Research Letters
  9. Journal of Public Economics
  10. Asian Economic Papers

Off-Campus Access

When you click a link from the library website to an electronic resource (e.g. article, e-book or database) you will be prompted for your OZU e-mail and password

On-campus users will not need to log in.