Books are arranged on the bookself by subject. Each book has spine label help you find what you are looking for. The “call numbers” that you see on the spine label of the book is a combination of numbers and letters or just numbers that identify the location of the item on the shelf.
Ozu Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System to organize its collection.
Each book in the library has a unique call number. The call number tells you the book's location on the shelf.
This image adapted from University of Michigan Library.
What to do if the book is not available?
If a book you need is currently checked out, you can place a hold to be notified when the book is returned.
For a book that is listed in the library catalog as checked out or otherwise unavailable, click the "Hold" button in the catalog record and sign in with your Ozu username and password on the page.
When the book is returned and checked in, you will receive an email that the book is ready. It will be held for you at the Information Desk for up to 3 days.
Use the following call numbers to browse books on our shelves related to Finance and Economics. Most of Finance- Economics books are under shelfmark HG1-9999 and HB1-130, you will also find books of interest under HC (Economic history and conditions) , HD (Industries. Land use. Labor), HF (Commerce), HJ9-9940 (Public finance) and HM (Sociology)
Ozu Library provide your book request that are not in the library. There are 2 options for requesting.
ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Request: It is a free service that is offered by OZU Library that provides books that are not available at our library and may be requested to be loaned from other libraries. Current students, staff, and faculty are allowed to request ILLs. Books requested through ILL usually arrive within 3-5 business days.
Library Resources Request: Ozu Library welcome suggestions and requests for new resources. Books requested usually arrive within 6-8 weeks.